Why recruit college students from Sweden?

  • Swedish students provide a great opportunity to reach potential diversity goals on campus.
  • Swedish students are mature and independent, which means low maintenance.
  • Swedish students participate in activities and get involved in groups and clubs on campus.
  • Swedish students wish to study in the U.S.; therefore, there is a large market to recruit from.
  • The Swedish Government Student Loan Agency – “Centrala Studiestödsnämnden” (CSN) provides study abroad grants and loans of approximately 23,000 USD per year depending on the exchange rate.
  • Even in Sweden where education is free, students are familiar with utilizing CSN’s grants and loans to study both domestically and in the USA.
  • The United States is the number one destination for Swedish students to study abroad.
  • Sweden is mostly an Undergraduate Degree market.
  • Swedish students are typically highly motivated, top academic performers with an excellent command of the English Language.